About this course

Active Bystander Fundamentals will help you foster a workplace culture founded on respect and dignity for all.

It also serves as a reach-back resource.

What you will learn

On completion of the course you will be able to:

*outline your responsibility, as a service person or MOD civil servant, to challenge unacceptable behaviour within the workplace
*identify what constitutes unacceptable behaviour
*identify how unacceptable behaviour arises
*identify the barriers which prevent us from challenging unacceptable behaviour
*summarise the origins and meanings of the bystander effect
*recognise the strategy, tools and techniques you can use to positively intervene whilst ensuring the safety of yourself and others

Who can attend this course
MOD civil servants
How the course will be taught
e-Learning (DLE)
How you will be assessed

You will complete a short quiz at the end of each module to assess understanding of the content.