About this course

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This is an awareness level course is delivered by Cranfield University on behalf of the Defence College for Military Capability Integration, Defence Academy.  During the course, you will attend 2 visits to key sites including:


and will take part in two laboratory practical sessions.

What you will learn

You will learn about:

*chemical agents
*biological agents
*radiological hazards
*nuclear hazards
*physical protection (individual and collective)
*international and national controls of chemicals, biological, radiological and nuclear
*chemical hardening
*current science and future developments
*practitioners and their roles
*security briefing
*historical weapons and atmospheric dispersion

How this course will help your career

This course will enhance your knowledge and understanding therefore enabling you to maximise your potential.

Who can attend this course
MOD civil servants
Partners across government (PAG)

DSTL staff can also attend this course.

Before you attend

You will be required to read pre-course material. Details of which will be given with joining instructions.

How the course will be taught