About this course

Cyber 101 is the first course on the Cyber Foundation Pathway.

It is a Defence Learning Environment (DLE) based course which is designed to provide you with a baseline level of cyber knowledge and awareness. This will prepare you for your journey through the Cyber Foundation Pathway, whether technical or not, and for the next step.

Cyber 101 is delivered on the DLE and will take you between 2-6 hours to complete, depending upon your existing level of knowledge.

Cyber 101 is available for self-enrolment on the DLE. Click the 'Register your interest' to access the course directly.

What you will learn

You will learn/develop:

*how the internet works
*the basics of internet and networking hardware
*the basics of internet security
*how to keep yourself safe online
*how to identify common cyber attacks
*how to report cyber-attacks and incidents
*where to access additional learning

How this course will help your career

Each module in the Cyber Foundation Pathway builds sequentially on the learning from preceding modules. Successful completion of this initial module will enable you to proceed to the next module and further build your cyber skills.

Who can attend this course
MOD civil servants
Partners across government (PAG)
How the course will be taught
e-Learning (DLE)
How you will be assessed

There are a series of optional formative tests as part of the learning and a final assessment. If you are following the Cyber Foundation Pathway, it is necessary for you to pass this assessment before attending further modules.