About this course

During the course, examples are used from a variety of conflicts to illustrate chaplaincy practice and teach new chaplains how to perform their duties in a war fighting context. The tri-Service aspect of the training assists in highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches.

This course is a practical experiential learning experience.  It builds upon the classroom learning and aids the transition to everyday chaplaincy.

What you will learn

You will learn:

*moral chaplaincy (ethics, core values, Just War)
*pastoral chaplaincy (models of ministry, theology of ministry and remembrance)
*spiritual chaplaincy (services of prayer and remembrance)
*tri-service chaplaincy (the need to work together on and off operations)

How this course will help your career

You will have a greater awareness of chaplaincy in differing combat and conflict situations.  You will be able to apply chaplaincy fundamentals in any situation.

Who can attend this course

sS Chaplaincy nominees only

Before you attend

AFCC will contact you prior to the course with details.

How the course will be taught
Face-to-face/ Residential
How you will be assessed

Formative assessment.